WordPress CSS Code

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are scripts of code that modify the style of your website such as buttons, lines, text, headlines, pictures, borders, etc.  We sell you over 100 lines of WordPress CSS code that helps make your X Theme site easier to customize.  Looking for the proper codes online is free, but it takes a lot of time to find them and modify them to your needs.  We simplified the process by testing the code and finding the best solutions for the most common styling requests.  You will receive a walk through video tutorial, as well as any new WordPress CSS code that we add at a later date.  There is a packed style sheet for Global CSS (affects your entire site) and there’s one for single pages (affects one specific page).  If you buy our X Theme CSV templates, the cascading style sheets are included and you will not need to buy this option.  Our X Theme WordPress CSS code is already installed on ALL of our HUGE websites for sale.  See our video above or pricing table below, for more details about the codes!

You do NOT want to buy these codes if you don’t use X Theme!

X Theme CSS Code

$ 3 0

  • Installed files to Cloud Server
  • X Theme ($64 value)
  • Rev Slider + Templates ($19 value)
  • EasyHdWebsites Templates
  • THE SEO Tutorial Video ($15 value)
  • Essential Grid Plugin ($26 value)
  • The Grid Plugin ($25 value)
  • Uber Menu Plugin ($19 value)
  • SuperFly Menu Plugin ($22 value)
  • ACF Pro Plugin ($25 value)
  • Global/Page CSS code
  • EasyHdWebsites Video Tutorials
  • EasyHdWebsites FULL Member access
  • X Theme Video Tutorials
  • Hosting chat support upon sign up
  • X Theme forum support
  • Updates/New code/Improvements
  • WordPress + WP Tutorials
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Fun Facts

  • Global vs Page CSS

    Global code in WordPress is simply code that affects your entire website. Page code applies to a specific page. For example, If I wanted my entire site to have “red” body text, I would add custom CSS code to the global styling sheet in WordPress. If I only wanted red text to be on a specific page, then I would apply the WordPress CSS code to the style sheet of that page. With WordPress, the most common CSS code is editable with their user friendly interface (meaning, you don’t need to write a lot of code, if any at all). There may be an instance where you would like to change something specific though. That is when custom CSS comes into play!

  • WordPress CSS Code vs Theme Css Code

    WordPress CSS Code can be used on any WP site. Though, themes use what are called “selectors” to link the code to their themes elements. Selectors are text written before the code, that point WordPress CSS code directly to a website element to style/affect. All themes use different selector codes for customization purposes but the actual CSS code that changes a specific style of something, follows Global CSS rules (CSS does not change). For instance, if you want to change the color of a certain button, the code will always be “Color: black;” In X Theme, a selector is created before the code to tell it what to affect. If we wanted to style a transparent button, the CSS selector would look like this “.x-btn-transparent”. The full X Theme CSS Code would look like this “.x-btn-transparent {Color: black;}”. You can see from the picture above, what the code will actually look like in a style sheet!

  • Is custom CSS hard to apply?

    NO, not in WordPress!…and with X Theme, it’s even easier! Sometimes the codes can be tricky if you don’t use the proper “selectors” (like mentioned above), but once you figure out how it works, it’s easy (we have the video)! You wouldn’t want to actually go and try to remember specific CSS codes. You just need to learn how to make them active on your site (using proper spacing, selectors, code, periods, brackets, etc). Once you know how to activate style sheets, you can find much of the code you are looking for online…or you can buy ours! We already found it for you!